up on the roof the other day....

up on the roof the other day....

Saturday, September 6, 2014

1st Chakra - the Root Chakra

first or Root Chakra Sanscrit name: Muladhara (root)

  • Base of spine, at the seat of Kundalini, bottom of pelvis, between the genitals and the anus

  • a circle surrounded by 4 lotus petals, with a square inside it, representing a strong foundation.

Central issue:
  • survival
  • stability
  • acceptance
  • self-preservation
  • deep rootedness
  • perception
  • grounding
  • fear and safety

  • red

Essential oils:
  • Patchouli
  • cedar wood
  • sandalwood

Crystals and Stones:
  • garnet  
  • ruby
  • agate
  • onyx
  • hematite
  • red jasper
  • black tourmaline
  • smoky quartz
  • blood stone
  • red coral

  • Mars, 
  • Pluto 
  • Saturn,

Astrological signs:
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn

sound therapy:

  • note "c'

  • to be

color therapy:
  • red

  • Ylang Ylang and Vetiver

Gemstone Therapy:
  • Red Jasper

mantra, chant:
  • "Lam"

  • smell

  • the physical body

Orientation to self:
  • self-preservation

  • stability
  • grounding
  • physical health
  • prosperity
  • trust

  • to be here,
  • to have

Developmental stage:
  • womb to 12 months

  • physical identity

level of relationship:
  • tribal

  • fear

  • earth

  • sunset

Hormonal glands:
  • sexual and adrenal

  • Circulation/sex, Large intestine

Organs, Physical Body Components:
  • immune system
  • spinal column/base of spine
  • skeletal system
  • lower digestive functions
  • excretory functions
  • prostate
  • legs
  • feet
  • knees
  • hips
  • bones
  • and bone marrow
  • teeth
  • rectum
  • physical body support
  • kidneys
  • adrenal glands
  • large intestines
  • sexual activity

  • sluggish
  • lazy
  • tired
  • overeating and obesity
  • rigid boundaries
  • greed and hoarding
  • fear of change
  • addiction to security

Deficient, insufficient:
  • fearful
  • anxious
  • restless
  • lack of discipline
  • lack of stamina
  • underweight
  • financial difficulty
  • chronic disorganization
  • poor focus and discipline
  • poor boundaries
  • disconnection from the body

Balanced, Harmonious functions;
  • Good Health
  • vitality
  • well grounded
  • sense of trust in the world
  • feeling safe and secure
  • stability
  • prosperity
  • ability to relax

Physical dysfunctions, Imbalances
  • frequent illness
  • disorders of the bowel
  • large intestine
  • bones
  •  teeth
  • problems with legs, feet
  • base of spine (chronic lower back pain, sciatica)
  • eating disorders
  • depression
  • immune-related disorders
  • skin problems
  • lack of energy
  • poor circulation
  • varicose veins
  • pain in lower back
  • swollen hands and legs
  • lazy feeling
  • retain water
  • dry skin and hair
  • constipation
  • pale blotchy skin
  • belching, burping and gas
  • diarrhea
  • headache

  • food
  • gambling
  • shopping
  • work

Traumas and Abuses:
  • birth trauma
  • abandonment
  • physical neglect
  • poor physical bonding with the mother
  • malnourishment
  • feeding difficulty
  • major illness or surgery
  • physical abuse
  • inherited traumas (eg. war, poverty, etc.)

Positive qualities:
  • material world
  • success
  • body
  • stability
  • security
  • health
  • courage
  • patience

Negative qualities, Emotions
  • insecurity
  • violence
  • greed
  • anger
  • constipation
  • tension in the spine
  • physical survival
  • primal instincts
  • feeling of fight or flight
  • I am rooted in life and in my self
  • I am stable, safe and secure
  • I love my body and trust in it's wisdom